MIAMI- If we were to translate the name Oscar De La Hoya in the spanish language it would mean “Oscar of the Pit”, or “Oscar of the Grave”. According to Floyd Mayweather Sr., it wouldn’t be a stretch to find money buried somewhere in that pit, (or maybe grave would be the best word to use considering the current state of affairs between the two). Although the fight is roughly 3 months away, the verbal sparring between the two camps have commenced, and it all surrounds speculation of what the true cause was for De La Hoya deciding to part ways with a man who helped bring him back to the winners table. In response to the move, the Sr. Mayweather has let the public know exactly how he feels about it. Speculating that “greed” is the root cause of the decision, Floyd Sr. asked “What comes first in this particular situation, greed or the fight”? He then added “I make money, money doesn’t make me. I’m going on with my life”! The replacement for Oscar De La Hoya has yet to be named but according to the Sr. Floyd, that person had better be on alert as well. In a parting statement, Floyd Sr. said something that resonates with great truth, and perhaps for De La Hoya, is a reason for deep introspection as well. He said “Oscar has fired every trainer he’s had. He’s had all of the so-called greats and fired each one of them but has he fired me? NO!!!, and that should tell you something”. Truth is, the pre-Floyd Mayweather Sr. era of Oscar’s life was great in the ring, but after opponents figured him out and realized what it would take to defeat him, they devised combative plans and executed flawlessly. When Floyd Sr. arrived, he took Oscar back to the things that helped him rise to supremacy in his early days and polished them up as well as added to them. Combinations, lateral movement, cutting an opponents ring off, working the ‘short-angles’ in the ring, and an ability to group power shots. Oscar from a couple years ago would have never defeated a fighter like Ricardo Mayorga in the fashion he displayed, (despite the fact that Mayorga is defensively challenged). When you think about the way that ODH defeated Mayorga, it was by using all of those traits, particularly the grouping power shots which allowed him to knock out a man few have seen affected by anyone’s punch. This was something that was never really an intricate part of ODH’s arsenal before. The basic foundation that Floyd Sr. brought to ODH was the ability to take an opponents strengths and turn them into additional weaknesses on top of the ones they had already. Sounds simple, but few trainers can effectively facilitate this plan to a fighter in a way that he can carryout it out in the ring. It never pays to bet against a seasoned veteran and consummate pro like ODH, but this move could turn into the proverbial “D.O.G.” move of his career. Affectionately dubbed a “D.O.G.” move because typically when Denial (in this case his possible need of Floyd Sr.), Occurs with Greed, the decision is bound to BITE in the end. Stay tuned.
Oscar De la Benjamins: Floyd Sr. Cites Greed Behind De La Hoya’s Decision To Part Ways
Posted by Tim Starks on Jan 29, 2007 20:18