
Deontay Wilder Loses Nearly Every Round, But Is He Getting… Better?

As I watched Luis Ortiz crumble to the canvas Saturday night at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, something struck me as familiar. It was his face. Not the unique contours of Ortiz’s cinder block head or Chubby Thanos chin — but his expression. Eyes slung sideways. Lips drawn tightly over teeth. Neck flexing vainly […]

How Can Anyone Support Boxing?

Dwight Richie. Patrick Day. Maxim Dadashev. Hugo Santillan. Boris Stanchov. That’s the list of newsmaking boxing deaths this year, and it’s nothing but tragic and awful, no matter the circumstances. I say that upfront because I’m about to perform a trepidatious high wire act where I try to defend the sport that produced those fatalities, […]

“Ezzard Charles: A Boxing Life,” Reviewed

George Foreman reputedly once said, “Boxing is like jazz. The better it is the less people appreciate it.” While that’s true in many cases, there are degrees to it. Miles Davis’ “Kind of Blue” is almost universally regarded as the great jazz album of all time, much as Joe Louis is regarded by many as the greatest heavyweight […]

Rebuilding: Boxing Takes Back NBC

“As the heavyweights go, so goes boxing.” It would be convenient to look at the state of today’s heavyweight division and allow the whole sloppy lot of those fighters to shoulder the blame for boxing’s inability to compete for television time with more mainstream, or more marketable sports in the U.S. Whether or not it […]

Drunk History: Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmeling

That this slipped by us is tragic. Thanks for getting us back on point, Reddit. “Drunk History” on Comedy Central is terrific, and it took on a great moment in boxing history last week. The above video is incomplete, but if you have any kind of “On Demand” through your cable or satellite provider, the […]

Throwback Thursday: Joe Louis Makes Comeback, Wallops Jack Sharkey

Gauging the importance of a given fight in boxing is no easy task. It’s nigh impossible to put in stone exactly what it is that makes a bout important. There’s much to choose from, between attendance records and television views; world titles and simply how great the action is. Are fights that usher in new […]
